Logo Advanced Spectrum Analyzer PRO

Advanced Spectrum Analyzer PRO





version Android
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Application information

Category: Music and audio

Размер: 0.4 MB

Updated: 26.08.2020

Developer: Wojciech Czaplejewicz

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Advanced Spectrum Analyzer PRO is a free FFT audio spectrum analyzer. It distributes the energy of the recorded signal across frequencies and renders the audio track right on your screen using automatic discrete Fourier transform calculation.

FTT analyzer

These sound analyzers use an audio waveform (waveform) that is convenient for experienced users, which displays the amplitude of the sound of your recording. Thanks to FTT (fast Fourier transform) technologies, the application can analyze the spectrum of audio signals "in real time". Such a name for this type of transformation was given by the French mathematician, scientist Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier, who argued that any, even the most complex waveform, can be expressed as a series of two or more simple sinusoidal and cosine waves, if it is composed of one and the same repetitive waves. This method of playing sound in graphics allows you to view your audio track from the inside, as it were. thanks to the decomposition into frequencies, you can see individual instruments of a musical composition or detect pauses between works, volume changes, extraneous sounds or individual notes of a solo recording of one instrument.

How does it work?

The application is quite simple to use, it will help to "see" any sound, even for beginners. After loading an audio track, the analyzer automatically divides it into intervals, quickly determines the Fourier coefficients, and then displays the analysis result in the form of a graph, showing the dependence of the amplitude on frequency. This will make it easy to notice the change in the signal spectrum at any time interval.

Advanced Spectrum Analyzer PRO Abilities

The application supports FTT resolution up to 2.7 Hz, works with multiple input sources (2 microphones), shows all amplitude deltas, allowing you to scale the sound wave, take screenshots for further work, divide the working field into convenient linear and logarithmic scales. The app is intuitive and uses multiple colors to represent different frequencies, making it even easier to visualize sound. It is also convenient that the application is completely free, does not contain any ads, so that nothing will distract you from the process of using it.

Advanced Spectrum Analyzer PRO for downloaded 10 times. Advanced Spectrum Analyzer PRO is distributed freely in the file type apk.

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  • Signal analysis and visualization in real time.
  • Supports FTT resolution up to 2.7Hz.
  • Marks peak values.
  • Multiple input sources can be used.
  • Works for free.
  • Does not contain ads.

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